Learn How To Turn Anxiety Into A Gift That Will Connect Your Family
This book outlines my experience and response to anxiety in my child.
I’ll explain how my family evolved and took on the challenge that is anxiety in a heart centered and practical way. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and hopefully not get too offended at my use of profanities to illustrate my emotion pain. You’ll also walk away empowered to meet your child’s needs with a different prospective, an empowered, guilt free “I am enough”, what can we learn from this latest challenge sorta vibe. The point of power of the book is that it will put you in the driving seat.

I believe, if we learn to parent from the heart and meet children’s needs, we will naturally evolve into a nation whose children can express their truth. Children who get used to expressing their truth and having it respected and meet with compassion and love will evolve naturally into humans who are more balanced. More loving and respectful and empathic of others and nature. This can only be a good thing for us all as individuals but also for the greater good. We are all born with a spark of light which needs to be nurtured to bring it forward. This light, our truth our individual creativity is much needed. Imagine a world where we all pulled together and supported each other. A place where we learn to negotiate difference and meet each other halfway. No judgement just love.
I truly hope the following pages will inspire, motivate, and irritate you into thinking. It’s not a directional focused book telling you how to parent. You as the parent I believe are the highest authority on your child. You live, breath and feel all their successes and hurts. You are there on the front line when disaster strikes. Thus, it’s in all of our best interests that you navigate your particular parenting journey as your family sees fit and appropriate for you. This book I hope will challenge you to do that in a way that utilises truth, love, compassion, and wisdom as its compass. The holy grail being the discovery of your child’s wisdoms wishes.
Order the book today
Now out in paperback! Also available as an e-book.

Sínead’s book taught me so much over the last few weeks about our brain , our behaviourisms, our thoughts and feelings and more importantly about how to support and nurture our childrens wellbeing especially when we meet a challenging period. I believe that ‘Wisdom Wishes’ has given me the confidence ,support and hope as a parent that we are able to get through these challenging and distressing times while having learned and gained new life skills along the way.
Edel Flynn – Teacher
This lovely book is filled with love and dedication and is a beautiful follow-on from your classes. It is a wonderful support for parents who need it to help them see they have the power. It really will bring so much calm and comfort to families. I hope you feel really proud of it.
Marineta Viegas- Founder Relax Kids

Sinead Flanagan // Author
I am a wife, mum, daughter in law, sister, friend, and neighbour. I live in the middle of Ireland in the countryside surrounded by farms and bogland. I have three kiddies who challenge, inspire, and make me laugh daily. I am passionate about life. I am passionate about food and enjoying it. You’ll find me on the side of a hurling or football pitch supporting my two oldest children or watching my youngest sing or dance. I love cooking, reading actual books (the smell of the book is part of the pleasure), being outdoors in nature, movie nights, butterflies, and generally being open to learning. I strive to buy local sustainable and eco-friendly as much as possible. I meditate regularly and feel connected to the cycles of mother earth. I am spiritual by nature. My gut instinct guides my life choices. I am a heart centered person who believes we are all equal regardless of status or title.
Sinead Flanagan